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Optimaliseer je Windows XP installatie

Via Digg kwam ik terecht bij een artikel over het optimaliseren van Windows XP voor betere systeem prestaties. Normaal gesproken gaan dergelijke artikelen veelal over suffe dingen zoals het defragmenteren van je harde schijf, maar in dit geval worden er zeer nuttige tips gegeven.

Een aantal hoogtepunten:

Speedup Folder Browsing
You may have noticed that every-time you open my computer to browse folders that there is a slight delay. This is because Windows XP automatically searches for network files and printers every-time you open Windows Explorer. To fix this and to increase browsing significantly uncheck the Automatically search for network folders and printers check box.

Disable Performance Counters
Windows XP has a performance monitor utility which monitors several areas of your PC's performance. These utilities take up system resources so disabling is a good idea.

Speedup Folder Access – Disable Last Access Update
If you have a lot of folders and subdirectories on your computer, when you access a directory XP wastes a lot of time updating the time stamp showing the last access time for that directory and for ALL sub directories. To stop XP doing this you need to edit the registry. If you are uncomfortable doing this then please do not attempt.

Je kunt alle tips hier nalezen, het is absoluut de moeite waard!

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